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Google Android 14 must be provisioned as a fully managed device and configured to create a work profile.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-258434 GOOG-14-010300 SV-258434r959010_rule Medium
The Android Enterprise work profile is the designated application group for the COPE use case. SFR ID: FMT_SMF_EXT.1.1 #47
Google Android 14 COPE Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-06-05


Check Text ( C-62175r928325_chk )
Review that managed Google Android 14 is configured as Corporate Owned Work Managed.

This procedure is performed on both the EMM Administrator console and the managed Google Android 14 device.

On the EMM console, configure the default enrollment as Corporate Owned and select "Use for Work & Personal".

On the managed Google Android 14 device:

1. Go to the application drawer.
2. Ensure a Personal tab and a Work tab are present.

If on the EMM console the account the default enrollment is set to Corporate Owned Work Managed or on the managed Android 14 device the user does not have a Work tab, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-62099r928326_fix)
Configure the Google Android 14 device as corporate owned with a work profile.

On the EMM console, configure the default enrollment as Corporate Owned, and select "Use for Work & Personal".

Refer to the EMM documentation to determine how to configure the device.